ItzCash Card along with Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) facilitates online payment of Property Tax
New Delhi, Delhi, July 1, 2010 / India PRwire
Itz Cash Card Ltd India's pioneer "Multi Service Prepaid Card", along with Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) facilitates online payment of Property Tax. Delhi residents can pay property tax by approaching the nearest ICW (ItzCash World) outlet beyond working hours (5pm) i.e. now they can pay the tax anytime between 10am to 9pm.
Residents of Delhi can also pay their property tax from their homes and offices bidding adieu to long queues, the MCD has facilitated online payment of property taxes through ItzCash Card. Consumers now have the option to log on to and pay property taxes using an ItzCash Card.
ItzCash card with its tie-up with Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) has facilitated the residents of Delhi in paying their property tax online. This year the online transaction is expected to witness a surge for approximately Rs 8 crore from Rs.6 crore last year.
According to Mr. Naveen Surya, MD, Itz Cash Card Ltd., "The tie-up with ItzCash Card assures that the property tax payers who want to pay their taxes online, now have the option of either paying the property tax on his own using an noQ24x7 Card or by visiting any of 1500 ItzCash World outlets spread across the city for paying property taxes. This service looks at the larger section of population who do not have requisite banking instruments to make their payments."
He further added that, "With this facility for online payment of property tax in partnership with MCD, ItzCash Card aims to bring change in the lives of people, thus bringing a larger section of population closer to the benefits of e-transactions. This year ItzCash will witness approximately Rs 8 crore worth of online transactions through this alliance".